Friday, December 16th 2016
PERIOD Episode 11: Hormones make it rain
Excerpt: Scicurious, also known as Dr. Bethany Brookshire, chats with Kate about PMS and PMDD.
Summary: GUYS SCI IS HERE. Scicurious, also known as Dr. Bethany Brookshire, has a PhD in Physiology and Pharmacology from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She is now a writer at Science News, and the science education writer with Science News for Students and Society for Science and the Public. Dr. Brookshire is also a blogger, which is how we met years ago, and a podcaster and host with Science for the People. Dr. Brookshire was the first person I turned to when I wanted to start my own podcast, and her advice has been crucial to me at several points this year. You can attribute many of the good things of this podcast to her, and none of the bad.

Dr. Bethany Brookshire, science communicator extraordinaire.
In this episode, Sci and I talk about premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric syndrome. Both of us have written extensively on the topic, but we focus in particular on two times in the last few years we were compelled to tag team a particular article. Here are the posts so you can follow along:
Tag-team number one on brain activity and PMDD:
- Scicurious (blog): The cerebellum and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Me (old blog, archived here): Tag-teaming research blogging: Me and Sci do it up, PMDD-style
Tag-team number two on women feeling premenstrual “hostility” towards infertile partners:
- Scicurious (Science News article): Hypothesis on PMS evolution attracts hostility
- Me (The Daily Beast article): Junk Science: PMS will ruin your marriage
And… here’s one more piece on the concept of PMS as a culturally-bound syndrome, from me: Feedback Loops: the Biology and Culture of Premenstrual Experience.
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