Monday, September 26th 2011

Where can you find me this fall?

Kathedrale balloon, i.e., not how I am traveling this semester

Kathedrale balloon, i.e., not how I am traveling this semester

This is my first semester as an academic where I have a significant travel component. I realized that some of you might want to know where and when I’m traveling or speaking, in case you live in the area and want to hear me speak or organize a tweetup. So here is my tentative schedule for the fall. I should be giving one more talk this fall, but it is not on here because we haven’t scheduled it yet.


September 22nd and 23rd, Purdue Conference for Pre-Tenure Women. I didn’t speak at this, but was a humble attendee who learned a whole lot. I will write a post on this some time next week.

September 28th, the Ig Nobel Awards. 7:30pm, Sanders Theatre, Harvard University. I’ll be giving one of the 24/7 talks, on the topic of vaginal pH. That’s right, the same topic as my douching post last month, and yes, that blog post is what scored me the invite. The Ig Nobels are already sold out, but I am around Friday the 29th as well.


October 12th, Teaching with Technology Brown Bag Series. 12pm, 23 Illini Hall, University of Illinois. “Sneak a little science into their day: Blogs in teaching.” I’ll be talking about the various ways I use blogs in education: for private journals, to present findings to a broader audience, as readings in lower-level courses, and to engage students with an interested laypublic (that would be you all).

October 26th and 27th, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Anthro Visiting Lecture Series, Anthropology in the Public Sphere: (Re)Defining Research and Practice for the 21st Century. I am very excited to have been invited to speak at this lecture series. You can find me on the 26th at 10:10am, UC Auditorium speaking on “Connecting women and their bodies: broader impacts that actually have impact,” and on the 27th at 3:40pm in MM 63 speaking on “Why you should be reading scienceblogs, and why I tell the internet all about the ladybusiness.” I believe the first lecture is more of an upper-level course and the second lecture is for undergrads, but I intend to speak in a way accessible to anyone. Members of the public are explicitly encouraged to attend.


November 2nd, Sociology of Health and Illness Seminar. 3:30pm, 313 Davenport Hall, University of Illinois. “Women’s reproductive health” (better title TBA). This will be an overview of my research and how it intersects with issues of health and illness.

November 10th or thereabouts. Harvard University. I will be giving two talks, one more on gender, bias and science, and another that is a more traditional bio anthro research talk that week. Details TBA.

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