Wednesday, January 26th 2011
The women scienceblogging revolution
At least, that’s what it feels like to me.
You’ve commented on my last post, you’ve written your own posts, you’ve tweeted and retweeted. You’ve been insightful, brilliant, and kind. You have been allies to each other. You haven’t fed the trolls.
The people of the science blogosphere are good, thoughtful people. If a real conversation about eliminating sexism was going to happen anywhere, in a way that emboldened women and made allies of men, it was going to be here. I think the combination of meeting in person, having those many women-only conversations, having such smart people in the women scienceblogging panel, and bringing the conversation back online, to where we all met in the first place, has been really good for us.
So I want to share two last things. First, I’d like to link to as many posts people have written on this topic as possible. If you don’t see your post here, link to it in the comments and I’ll put it up here. (I looked at hits in my statcounter to come up with the list, so I could have easily missed yours.)
Second, I am slowly (because it is the start of the semester and I have a million other writing projects far more important for tenure than this blog) writing a post reflecting on the MLK, Jr session I attended at Science Online 2011. I hope that as we continue talking and reflecting on issues of women in the science blogosphere, we broaden the conversation to talk about race, ethnicity, sexuality, and other related identities that are not represented or supported as strongly as they could be.
Posts related to #scio11 or the #scio11 conversation
The biology files: Women who write about science
Observations of a nerd: I’ve never been very good at hiding
The Intersection: Sex in the Blogosphere
This is Serious Monkey Business: Raison d’etre of the female undergraduate primatology blogger
Almost Diamonds: Hidden Women, Hidden Writers
Fumbling Towards Tenure Track: Self-promotion tour 2011
Neuron Culture: Hey You Men Who Yell “Nice Tits”: STFU
Neuron Culture: Guest post (my original post, crossposted)
Blue Lab Coats: Linky linky… blogging and doing science while female
Neuroanthropology: Wednesday Round Up #139 (the post gets a mention here)
Science in the Triangle: Why scientists (should) blog
The Loom Room: Are men who do textiles superheroes or spoilt? (a post about a totally different field, but a commenter brings up our conversation)
Only the Educated are Free: How I cannot fight sexism because I am afraid of men
Neuroanthropology: Women and Science Blogging
Outdoor Science: Why are female science writers invisible?
Scicurious: Where are the female science bloggers?
Neurotypical? On self-promotion
One Small Step: Some thoughts, a poll, and an invitation
Denim and Tweet: We need to hear what we’d rather not
Almost Diamonds: Writers don’t spring from Zeus’s forehead either
Athene Donald: Unwritten Rules
The Intersection: Rising against the wind
Nature Network: Women in science – where are we now?
Alice Rose Bell:ย The politics of online science
Thus Spake Zuska: But I want to earn everything all on my own merits! #scio11
Broader posts about gender and scienceblogging: more must-reads
There and (hopefully) back again: Gender and blogging (and everything else)
The Incubator: A pregnant postdoc in the 21st century
Child’s Play: On becoming Birkin and letting go of Gainsbourg
Scicurious: Let’s talk about sex in science
Young Female Scientist: Be the visible bitch
The Hermitage: How gaming makes me a better graduate student: gear