Thursday, February 23rd 2012
Roller derby athletes hip check science stereotypes #iamscience
Kevin Zelnio’s #iamscience movement has launched a number of blogger origin stories and a Kickstarter project that has met its first funding goal (don’t stop donating yet though). Alongside this movement is one launched about the same time via a tumblr and related to SoNYC. My colleagues and I wanted to find a way to contribute our voices and show that there are many types of science, and many types of scientists. These colleagues smash gender stereotypes every day, what’s one more stereotype to add to our target hit zone?
Thirteen University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign scientists, all of whom skate for the Twin City Derby Girls.
Top row, left to right: Therafist, clinical psychologist; Anthrobrawlogist, biological anthropologist; Snarker Posey, legal information scientist; Doc Dementer, educational psychologist; Oh No Bobo, veterinarian; Killy Love-less, social scientist; MRSA, microbiologist.
Bottom row, left to right: Jo Holley, evolutionary ecologist; Gaya Jenda, family scientist; Mrs. T, educational psychologist; F1, developmental psychologist; Punchwrap Supreme, reproductive toxicologist; Polly Nator, evolutionary biologist.
Are we science? You better believe we are science. If you don’t…
We will come for you.