Friday, October 14th 2016

PERIOD Episode 4: I think it’s sort of like pee or poop


Excerpt: Kate interviews four mothers and five kids — and my own kid — about what a period is.

Summary: I interview families with young children about periods. We discuss how kids come to understand privacy and secrecy, bodily functions, and growing up. This might be my favorite episode of the whole season – I really enjoyed hearing from children, and realizing that the way we parents think we are engaging our kids might not be having its intended effect.

This episode also has repercussions for the next several episodes – themes of what parents do, or should be doing, on the topic of periods comes up when I interview educators, and period activists.

Next week, I share the interviews of a seventh grade science teacher and a sexual health educator. I was fascinated by the things I expected kids to know that they don’t, and by the things they THOUGHT they knew but were wrong about.

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I can’t wait to hear what you think! Thanks for listening!

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