Friday, October 7th 2016
PERIOD Episode 3: Blood coming out of her wherever
Excerpt: Kate interviews cultural anthropologist Dr. Alma Gottlieb about the cultural meaning of periods.
Summary: I interview Dr. Alma Gottlieb about what periods are, culturally – what they mean to us, what they do to us, how they fit or don’t fit into the dominant cultural paradigm. Dr. Gottlieb shares insights into menstrual taboos, in the United States and cross-culturally. She also talks about what it means that 20-25% of the reproductive-aged women you meet are menstruating, even though they are hiding it. What does it mean to hide something fundamental about yourself for a quarter of your lifespan from menarche to menopause?

Dr. Alma Gottlieb.
Dr. Gottlieb has a new edition of her book World of Babies coming out shortly – check out her Facebook page here.
Two other things: here is a link to the latest edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves, which we discussed on the podcast. I also couldn’t resist sharing one of my favorite period jokes by comedian Carmen Esposito. I share a clip on the podcast, but you can find the whole thing here:
Next week, I share the interviews of almost a dozen kids and parents, talking about what they think a period is. Despite sampling from a very hippie, educated group of moms who willingly show their kids menstrual blood at every opportunity, many of the kids had no idea what I was asking them about.
Subscribe to PERIOD so you don’t miss an episode! Subscribing, especially on iTunes, helps with promoting the podcast and getting the word out to more people. You can also find information about the podcast at Period Podcast on Facebook.
Want to be on PERIOD? I am collecting first period stories! Leave me a voicemail with your story at 262-PERIOD-2. Don’t forget to tell me how to contact you if I want to follow up.
Other ways to contact me:
- Email me at periodpodcast2 at gmail dot com
- Find me on Twitter at @periodpod2 and @kateclancy
I can’t wait to hear what you think! Thanks for listening!
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